Hello, dear readers. This comic has been serving you for five years now. I’ve amassed a pretty loyal following of nearly one thousand readers over that time. I love making the comic and I love the community of commenters I get to read every week. But, it’s getting harder to keep up with each week. I’ve never wanted to make a living from this as Star Trek is not mine, but some support for materials and work are allowed by Paramount/CBS’s fan production rules. So, I’m asking for donations to keep this – and a lot of my other side work – going. If I reach at least $100 a month the continuation of the comic beyond Mudd Slide will be assured. Donations get you access to each strip a day early as well as it’s underlying as well as perks like scripts and model sheets.
What other side projects am I up to? Some of you know I’m an avid modeler. What most of you don’t know is I’ve been working for the last year on a computerized motion control system that allows shooting of models with multiple, identical exposure passes. It doesn’t just make for great looking videos, but could be a boon to amateur film makers. Check out the results I’ve had so far:
I’d like to keep refining this project, but it too needs funding to keep going. I’m looking to get proper lights, make more models, and continue to tweak the controller software. In the process I’ll be posting my results as well as tutorials. Interested? Start your monthly donation today!