The five letter word so many commenters seemed to be missing was “farce”. As serious as some moments and themes in the story were, the thing was packed with humor (Jin fleeing the Kelvan party, then running back for her giant “moron bowl” drink, for instance). Well done.
Well, at least they are less marginalized. Hopefully they can participate in their own pride parade.
I’m a little late with this, and no doubt a little brain dead, but I can’t figure out who the guy in the shuttlecraft is.
Loved this installment. Keep up the great work! Any chance we will see Kelvin Timeline adventures?
Or … Kelvan Timeline? (baDUMtish)
The five letter word so many commenters seemed to be missing was “farce”. As serious as some moments and themes in the story were, the thing was packed with humor (Jin fleeing the Kelvan party, then running back for her giant “moron bowl” drink, for instance). Well done.
So society in that distant future really hasn’t changed all that much..except for the Kelvan’s position in it..
True… Still, Trillions that were being denigrated and oppressed, aren’t anymore! They’re all EQUALLY jerks now! Yay?
The problem is obviously insufficient timetravel. Jin needs to hook up Gary Seven and 7 of 9 for an adventure. 😀