Class F Shuttle Naval Chart

The Class F Shuttle is the work horse of the modern Star Fleet. With minimal warp drive, the little shuttle that could can’t get you very far, but you’ll be riding in comfort as you go. Great for losing in quasars and being snatched by energy beings that just want a hug. Easy to forget on those missions where the only transporter pad fails. Do not blow up inside doomsday machines.

I tried to make this guy just a tiny bit sleeker without betraying the general shape we all know and love. The nacelle supports have been changed to air foils, as if that would help. Thanks to magic future hover power you can apparently soft land a big metal brick. I have a sneaking suspicion she’s related to this guy.

Big Review on TrekMovie
Mark Martinez of the comprehensive Star Trek Comics Checklist has put together an in depth review of Star Trek: The Webcomic on the TrekMovie news site. It includes an interview with yours truly that gives a few hints about the future of the comic. Check it out as well as Mark’s site and other great comic reviews. Follow Mark Martinez on Twitter.

New Spanish Translation of “Weapons of Mass Destruction”

Long time reader, Sergio G. Molina, was kind enough to translate the WMD story arc into Spanish for our international readers. It’s available on the Episodes page or directly here. Sergio writes his own blog called Planned Obsolescence. His translation work for the fan film series “Star Trek: Phase II” is here. Thank you, Sergio, and Happy Holidays to all my readers!

Little Hints
Readers who looked close enough probably figured out the source of Weapons of Mass Destruction‘s titular MacGuffin. Hidden in the science facility were two clues.

On the left is the quark structure of an antiproton. On the right is the badge worn by nearly everyone in the science facility.


Now here’s a close up of the screen as Zhou erased the library computer. Recognize that cone shaped thing in the center?


D7 Class Naval Chart

Here we have the backbone of the Klingon Imperial Navy. With six matter disruption banks the D-7 is a one-on-one match with nearly any modern warship in this part of the galaxy. Thanks to its enormous military budget the Klingon Empire has succeeded in producing three capital ships for every one their Federation rivals build. This imbalance of power could be the catalyst for open aggression in the near future.

Vulcan Science Ship Naval Recognition Chart

It seemed rude to introduce a new ship class and not tell you a bit about it. The T’Plakta Class is a long range science vessel with little in the way of armament, but many interesting lines of defense. Despite it’s large size (160ft longer than a Starship Class vessel) there is very little room for crew giving the T’Plakta a maximum compliment of 105 on her best days. (more…)

New “Episodes” Section
Too many people asked for it so I finally got around to doing it. There is now an “Episodes” section for reading the comic as multiple panels. There’s still pages to flip through, but, with seven to eleven strips per page, there’s a lot less of them. Episode pages will be updated at the same time as the front page. I’m considering also making PDF downloads of finished stories, starting with “No Good Deed”. I’ll update when that’s ready.

Daedalus Class Naval Chart
Unlike the Starship Class, the Daedalus Class was primarily built for war and was repurposed for exploration after the Romulan conflict ended. Armed with atomic torpedoes and eight 5″ gun turrets (yes you can fire bullets in space) a Daedalus class vessel would have been a formidable opponent in it’s day.

Starship Class Naval Chart

Continuing in the same vein as the Ship Recognition Chart, here’s the Office of Starfleet Intelligence’s specifications on their largest and most sophisticated exploration ship. As with the previous post, click the image for a wallpaper sized version.

Ship Recognition Chart
Here’s something I threw together last night to show the scale of all the ships seen in the comic so far – especially to give you an idea of how big Brody’s ship is compared to her pursuers. Click on it to get a giant, wallpaper sized version.


And here’s the size chart I was originally using to figure out how big Brody’s ship should be. The Millennium Falcon and the Serenity were included to see how small a freighter could plausibly be so it could be menacingly dwarfed by the Hood.