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Uhura, open a hailing frequency to the Darsinan council HQ. Uhura: They are contacting us, Captain. The Council Chief wishes to confer with you. Kirk: Put him on. (Viewer flips over to an image of the Council Chief. A short squat humaniod.) Chief: I am R'doa Slegnal, Council Chief of the governing body of Darsinis. Kirk: James T. Kirk, commanding USS Enterprise. Glad to meet you Chief Slegnal. We-- Spock (quietly): R'doa, Captain. R'doa is the Chief's surname. Kirk (also quiet): Thank you, Spock. (Louder) Chief R'doa. We have come to re-open communications between our peoples. R'doa: Kirk, we told your Federation that the people of Darsinis are not ready for a civilization as advanced as yours. Please make no further contact! We will let you know when we are ready. Kirk: But, Chief, it's been twenty years! Surely your people have grown in that time. Surely there could be no harm in simply talking. Surely you could benefit from contact with the Federation. Surely-- R'doa (vehemently): Captain, we do not DESIRE to be a part of your Federation! Kirk: Surely you don't mean that. Spock (quietly): Captain--remember the Prime Directive. Kirk (loudly): Blast the Prime Directive! We've come to make contact and I'll be damned if we don't! (to the Chief) Prepare to receive our landing party! R'doa: Captian, I warn you--leave our space immediately...or else. Kirk: Or else what? (Enterprise rocks vehemently and the star field becomes just a blur. When the viewer clears...) Kirk: Spock, what the hell happened? Spock: Unknown at this time. Sulu: Sir, I cannot fix our position. Kirk: Spock? Spock: He is right, Captain. We cannot fix our position. Kirk: Then where are we? Spock: If we knew that, we could fix our position. (Spock checks long range scanners.) Kirk: Well? (The turbolift doors snap open and McCoy bursts onto the bridge.) McCoy: Jim, what the hell's going on? We've got wounded all over the ship. Kirk: Then why are you here? McCoy: Hell if I know. (McCoy disappears back into lift.) Spock: I have an hypothesis, Captain. Kirk: "An" hypothesis, Spock? Shouldn't that be "a"? Uhura: No, he's right, sir. I'm not sure why, but that's what it says here. (holds up a bound bundle of papers) (Kirk glares at her interruption.) Spock: From the position of the stars, not only have we moved over a hun- dred light years, but have been thrust forward in time almost eighty years. Kirk: What? How? Spock: Unknown at this time. (Abruptly the klaxon begins to blare.) Kirk: Spock? Spock: Scanning...(stares at several readouts) Perimeter alert. Ship of unknown configuration on approach. Kirk: Could it be one of ours? (Spock cocks eyebrow.) Kirk: Oh, yeah. Right. Uh...Raise shields, Sulu. Sulu: Already up, sir. Chekov: Weapon armed, sir. Uhura (hand at ear): All stations report battle ready, sir. Kirk: Good. Then sound red alert. Uhura (looking perplexed): Aye, sir. Kirk: Full mag on viewer. (The stars in the field ahead appear suddenly closer.) Kirk: Sulu-- Sulu: Sir? Kirk: I'd like to see that ship out there. Sulu: Oh. Sorry, sir. Certainly, sir. (A ship with vaguely familiar lines appears and grows larger as it moves in.) Kirk (gasping): My God! What is it? Spock: A ship of unknown configuration, Captain. Uhura (still holding ear): Captain, we are being hailed. Kirk: Put them on. (Static crackles on the speakers. And then...) (Unknown Voice): This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise. Please identify yourselves, or--although highly unlikely--we will be forced to take action. Kirk (glaring at Spock): Spock, what do you make of this? Spock: Unknown at this time. However, if I were to speculate--purely hypothetically, of course, due to the current lack of data on the situation at hand--I would surmise that what he says has a distinct possibility of being true. This, of course, holding that my previous hypothesis--the probability of our having traveled forward through time--is also true. Uhura (no longer holding ear): Captain, they are demanding that we identify ourselves. Kirk: Spock? Spock: Scanners show tremendous energy readings from what appears to be their engineering section. Readings also show photon torpedoes are armed and phasers at standby... Kirk (getting frustrated): But? Spock: Phaser ports appear unused--as if never having been fired, Captain. (Kirk stands and pulls his shirt down.) Kirk: On viewer. (The viewer flips to show the image of the bridge of the as- yet-unidentified ship. Uhura gasps.) Chekov: It ees trick! Look, Keptin, a Klingon on the bridge! (Chekov punches the firing control for the phasers and blasts the other ship. Uhura leaps to her feet, book in hand, and rushes to Chekov's side.) Uhura (quietly): You weren't supposed to do the yet! (points at page) Sulu: That does it! Sir, are you going to keep letting him (points at Chekov, who slumps down) fire the phasers? (stomps foot) That's supposed to be my job! (From nowhere he pulls out a lengthy document and presents it to Kirk) See? Chekov: You are just jealous because I am better at eet that you! Sulu: Am not! (Kirk whips out a document of his own and rushes to Spocks side.) Kirk: Spock, what do you make of this? Spock: Condensed and pressed wood pulp, sir. Kirk: I mean them! (he points at the three at the helm) I don't re- member this scene. Spock: Insufficient data at this time. (Kirk thumbs aimlessly through document. Yeoman in very short mini-skirt rushes to his side, ttablet in han) Yeoman: Sign here, sir. Oh and (she points at main viewer) they're waiting. Kirk (loudly): Not now, yeoman--Oh, uh...Open hailing frequency. Uhura (sighing and returning to station): Already open, sir. Kirk: This is Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise. Please identify-- Uhura (quietly): The already did that, sir. Kirk: Oh--right. Captain... (Everyone in chorus): Picard! Kirk: ...Picard, we are--uh, were--on a peaceful mission to Darsinis. We seem to have had a little trouble. Picard (walking toward viewer): You call firing on my ship a LITTLE trouble, Captain? I call it barbarity! (Female in background): Sir, one well aimed photon-- Picard (quietly): That won't be necessary. (loudly) Captain, surely we can work this out like civilized beings. Surely there's no need for hostility. Surely you did not fire on us intentionally. Surely--(A man standing beside Picard elbows him in the ribs and points towards the screen) What? Yes, of course. Captian, per- haps if we met together... Kirk: Good idea. (Picard and Kirk in unison): Stand by to receive boarding party. (The image of the other Enterprise returns to the viewer. Kirk moves to the upper deck and motions to Spock) Kirk: Uhura, have Dr. McCoy meet us in the transporter room. Uhura: Sir, but what about the wounded? Kirk: No. We'll leave them here. (They disappear into lift.) (Cut to bridge of the other Enterprise.) Picard: Away team to the transporter room. Troi: I sense that you wish to accompany them, sir. (Picard smiles and starts to speak.) Riker: Like hell he will. (Picard looks down at deck.) Troi: I sense that you are disappointed, sir. (Riker, Data, La Forge, Worf, and Yar head for the door. It starts to close.) Picard: Number One-- Riker: No! (The doors close...The doors re-open and all step out.) Picard: That's my ready room. Data: This door, sir. (All step in and the doors close.) Troi: I sense amusement, sir. (Other personnel flood in from other doors and fill in empty stations.) Wesley: Sir, might I point out that were I an adult I would have been in- cluded in the away team. Picard: Shut up, Wesley! Troi: I sense satisfaction, sir. (Wesley stomps foot, pulls out document, thumbs through, and runs into lift.) (Cut to scene of transporter room.) Kirk: Energize! McCoy: Dammit, Jim. I'm-- (Landing party dematerializes.) (Meanwhile, on the bridge: Six forms sparkle into existence.) Uhura (gasping): Huh! (Chekov leaps from seat and lunges at Worf.) Chekov: Dirty, Klingon-- (Worf easily deflects Chekov into bulkhead where he falls unconscious.) Riker: I'm William T. Riker, First Officer of the Enterprise. And this-- Uhura (interrupting): But Captain Kirk just beamed over to YOUR ship. Yar: Are you sure its wise to believe her? One good shot--(raises phaser as does Worf) Riker (waggling finger): Tasha, you know that's not allowed. (Both put away phasers.) Data: Sir, it seems--from pure observation, albeit short and purely hypothetical--that there has been a misunderstanding. (Sulu moves to Data's side and looks closely at ears. Riker hits chest.) Riker: Enterprise, beam us over. Energize. Wesley (looking confused): Aw, shit! (stomps foot) Left behind again! Of course, it could be a learning experience. (Wesley sits down at helm. No one says anything to him because Sulu was accidentily beamed over too, Chekov is unconscious, and Uhura is gasping.) (Cut to other bridge on other Enterprise. Riker and party exit lift--fill-in's leave.) Riker: Where's Captian Kirk? Picard (to Troi): Suggestions? Troi: I fell intense curiosity... (Cut to corridor, same Enterprise.) Kirk: Bones, I told you this wasn't the way to the bridge. McCoy: Dammit, Jim. I'm a doctor, not a tour guide. Spock: Logic would dictate that we use the nearest turbolift with bridge access. Kirk: Right. This way. (heads off down another corridor) (Back to bridge.) Picard: Computer, locate Captain Kirk. (Computer Voice): Level twenty. Section J-11. You're welcome. (Lift doors open.) Crusher: Captain, have you seen me son? Riker: He was with us--(notices Sulu) What'er you doing here? Sulu: That's what I'd like to know. Riker: Captain, Wesley must still be on the Enterprise! Crusher: Well, of course he is. Where else would he be? I'll check engineering. Picard (pointing at viewer): THAT Enterprise. Crusher: Oh my God! Captain, they've got my son! You've got to do something! Picard: Doctor, wait in my ready room. (she leaves) Uh, Number One, what were we doing? Riker: Locating Captain Kirk. Picard: Ah, yes. Make it so. (Riker and Data enter lift. Below decks, the two step out.) (Voice): Maybe it's this way. (Different Voice): Dammit, Jim. That's the fifth transporter room we've been into. (Riker rounds a corner.) Riker: Captain Kirk. I'm Riker, the First Officer. Follow us please. Kirk: Follow you? Data: Follow. Trail. Tag-along... (Back on the bridge:) Picard: Ah, Number One. Execellent. But I'm afraid we've run out of time. Captian Kirk, you'll have to return to your own ship. Kirk: But we haven't worked out anything! What of the loose ends? There are 430 lives on that ship. They are my reponsibility! We must return to our own time! Picard: I'm afraid you can't. Kirk (noticing his helmsman): Sulu--what are you doing here? Sulu: That's what I'd like to know. Kirk: Then who's flying--? (Riker and Picard exchange glances.) Picard: Number One, you don't suppose...? Riker: It's my fault, sir. He was my responsibility--I was in charge of his training. (feels urge to pounce, but there's no one to pounce on) Picard: Captain, I'm afraid that Wesley-- Kirk: The boy?! (All in chorus): Yes! The boy! (Kirk flips out his communicator.) Kirk: Enterprise come in! (Voice): Acting Captain Wesley Crusher here. Go ahead. Kirk (voice rising): ACTING CAPTAIN?! What the hell?! Wesley: I'm sorry, Captain Kirk, but in your absence, and after my having become familiar with your ship's controls, I seemed the best qual- ified to fill in. Kirk: Where's Scotty?! Wesley: Who? Kirk: My chief engineer! Wesley: Your what? Oh, yeah. I'm not used to having one of those around. I could-- Kirk: Uhura--put Scotty on! Uhura (confused): Sir, what page are you on? I can't find this anywhere. (sounds of paper ruffling) Kirk: Has the whole galaxy gone space happy?! (Riker nudges Picard in the ribs, leans close and whispers:) Riker: Sir, it's nearly ten till and we still have scenes from next week, and then there're the closing credits... Picard: Ah, yes. Make it so, Number One. Riker (hits chest): Come in Enterprise. Stand by to beam your away-- ah, er--ah... Data (quietly to Riker): Landing party, sir. Riker: --landing party back aboard. (Voice): Standing by. McCoy: Jim! We can't leave yet. I haven't even gone a round with Spock. Spock: Doctor, your unceasing efforts to degrade my intelligence and my convictions is becoming an annoyance. McCoy: Annoyance! Spock--that's an emotion! Spock: Doctor, I hardly think-- Troi: I definitely sense strong emotion. McCoy: Hot damn! (aside to Kirk) Never mind, Jim. Riker: Enterprise, engerize. (Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and Sulu vanish. A collective sigh of relief fills the bridge.) Picard: Lay in a course away from here: warp factor nine. La Forge: Set and laid in, Captain. Picard: Engage! (Enterprise stretches and snaps away, disappearing into a distant point of light.) (Aboard the other Enterprise: Kirk steps off the lift and spies someone in his seat.) Wesley: Captain Kirk! Kirk: Outa my seat boy! Uhura, hailing frequency. Uhura: They've moved out of range, sir. Kirk: What?! Spock: Confirmed. They've left at high warp speed. Kirk: Engineering: Scotty, we need warp power now! Scotty: Sir, we canna no-- Spock (interrupting): We have only a fraction of the power necessary, Captain. This new Enterprise seems to fly on a quadratic function. Wesley: Where'd you get that load of crap? Uhura: Oh...It's all over various newsgroups, but it was only speculation until now. McCoy (wide eyed): They can't do this to us! Our ratings! Dammit, Jim, do something! Spock: I must agree with the doctor, Captain. Even we cannot stand up to a blow of this magnitude. Kirk: Lay in a course for Earth...We'll get to the bottom of this or else. Wesley: Or else what? (McCoy notices Chekov in a heap in the corner. He rushes over, mediscanner in hand.) McCoy: My God, Jim. He's--(everyone tenses)--going to be alright. (Collective sigh.) Kirk: Best speed to Earth, Mr. Sulu. (Enterprise streaks away in a blur of color.) (Meanwhile on the other Enterprise:) Picard: Never thought it'd be that easy, eh, Number One? Riker: Our ratings should soar now, sir. (looks proud as peacock) Picard: Yes, it's something we should have done right after Farpoint. (Cut to scene outside ship. Roll closing credits.)